Frequently Asked Questions Related to the Poverty Guidelines and Poverty

Poverty thresholds are used for calculating all official poverty population statistics — for instance, figures on the number of Americans in poverty each year. They are updated each year by the Census Bureau. Poverty thresholds since 1973 (and for selected earlier years) and weighted average poverty thresholds since 1959 are available on the Census Bureau’s web site. For poverty thresholds before 1980, contact the Census Bureau at 1-800-923-8282. For an example of how the Census Bureau applies the thresholds to a family’s income to determine its poverty status, see “ How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty ” on the Census Bureau’s web site.

The poverty guidelines are a simplified version of the federal poverty thresholds used for administrative purposes — for instance, determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs. They are issued each year in the Federal Register by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Key differences between the poverty thresholds and the poverty guidelines are summarized in the table below. For more information, see the discussion of poverty thresholds and poverty guidelines on the Institute for Research on Poverty’s web site.

Key Differences Between Thresholds and Guidelines

Poverty ThresholdsPoverty Guidelines
Issuing AgencyCensus BureauDepartment of Health and Human Services
Purpose/UseStatistical — calculating the number of people in povertyAdministrative — determining financial eligibility for certain programs
Characteristics by Which They VaryDetailed (48-cell) matrix of thresholds varies by family size, number of children, and, for 1- & 2-person units, whether or not elderly. Weighted average thresholds vary by family size and, for 1- & 2-person units, whether or not elderly. There is no geographic variation; the same figures are used for all 50 states and D.C.Guidelines vary by family size. In addition, there is one set of figures for the 48 contiguous states and D.C.; one set for Alaska; and one set for Hawaii.
Timing of Annual UpdateThe Census Bureau issues preliminary poverty thresholds in January, and final poverty thresholds in September of the year after the year for which poverty is measured. The poverty thresholds are adjusted to the price level of the year for which poverty is measured. For example, the poverty thresholds for calendar year 2020 were issued in 2021 (preliminary in January, final in September), were used to measure poverty for calendar year 2020, and reflect the price level of calendar year 2020.HHS issues poverty guidelines in late January of each year. Some programs make them effective on date of publication, others at a later date. For example, the 2021 poverty guidelines were issued in January 2021, calculated from the calendar year 2019 thresholds issued in September 2020, updated to reflect the price level of calendar year 2020. Therefore, the 2021 poverty guidelines are approximately equal to the poverty thresholds for 2020 (for most family sizes).
How Updated or CalculatedThe 48-cell matrix is updated each year from the 1978 threshold matrix using the CPI-U. The preliminary weighted average thresholds are updated from the previous year’s final weighted average thresholds using the CPI-U. The final weighted average thresholds are calculated from the current year’s 48-cell matrix using family weighting figures from the Current Population Survey’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement.Guidelines are updated from the latest published (final) weighted average poverty thresholds using the CPI-U. (Figures are rounded, and differences between adjacent-family-size figures are equalized.)
RoundingRounded to the nearest dollarRounded to various multiples of $10 — may end only in zero

What is “the official poverty line defined by the Office of Management and Budget”?

This phrase refers to the Census Bureau poverty thresholds, although it is included in the legislative section of the 1981 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) that requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to update the poverty guidelines annually. The thresholds are mentioned in this legislative section because they are the starting point from which the poverty guidelines are calculated. (The legislative section is section 673(2) of OBRA-1981 or of the Community Services Block Grant Act; the U.S. Code citation is 42 U.S.C. 9902(2) .)

The Census Bureau poverty thresholds are described using this phrase because in August 1969, the Bureau of the Budget (the predecessor of the Office of Management and Budget) issued a document designating the Census Bureau poverty thresholds as the federal government’s official statistical definition of poverty. (The 1978 version of this document is available on the Census Bureau website.) However, the role of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) vis-a-vis the poverty line was limited to this one-time designation of the poverty thresholds as the official federal statistical definition of poverty. OMB has never issued either the poverty thresholds or the poverty guidelines.

To make a statutory reference to the poverty guidelines, one can use the phrase “the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2) .”

Where can I find historical tables of the poverty guidelines and the poverty thresholds?

For the poverty guidelines since 1982, summary figures are available on this HHS web site. For a historical table of the poverty guidelines since 1965, visit Historical Poverty Guidelines.

For historical tables of weighted average poverty thresholds since 1959, see the historical poverty threshold table on the Census Bureau’s Historical Poverty web site. The Census Bureau also has tables showing the detailed matrix of poverty thresholds for individual years back to 1973 (and for selected earlier years).

What is the poverty line for [my state OR my metropolitan area OR my city]?

The Census Bureau’s poverty thresholds are the same nationwide, with no separate figures for different states, metropolitan areas, or cities.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ poverty guidelines, which are a simplified version of the Census Bureau’s poverty thresholds used for program eligibility purposes, are the same for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Due to Office of Economic Opportunity administrative practices beginning in the 1966-1970 period, there are separate poverty guidelines for Alaska and for Hawaii.

Poverty Guidelines (for Program Eligibility)

When are the poverty guidelines usually published each year?

Since 2006, the poverty guidelines have been published in late January (except for 2010). The Federal Registration notices published since 1982 may be viewed by visiting the Prior HHS Poverty Guidelines and Federal Register References page.

When are the poverty guidelines effective?

The poverty guidelines may be used as soon as they are published in the Federal Register each year — usually in late January — unless a program has chosen to make them effective at a later date. To determine when the poverty guidelines are effective for a particular program, one must contact the office or organization that administers that program.

I have a chart showing percentage multiples [e.g., 125 percent, 150 percent, etc.] of last year’s poverty guidelines. How can I get an updated version of that chart based on this year’s guidelines?

The only way to get an official update of a chart showing percentage multiples of the poverty guidelines is to contact the organization or office that prepared it. While ASPE calculates the poverty guidelines each year, ASPE does not calculate or prepare any official charts showing percentage multiples of the poverty guidelines even though such charts may indicate the HHS poverty guidelines as the source. However, ASPE provides a spreadsheet tool to assist organizations in creating these charts. Be aware, however, that the rounding rules for these calculations, as well as procedures for calculating monthly income, are determined by the federal, state, and local program offices that use the poverty guidelines for eligibility purposes. Therefore, the numbers in these spreadsheets could differ somewhat from what is used by other federal, state, or other organizations.

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I have a sliding fee scale [indicating that families between certain percentage multiples of the poverty guidelines should pay a certain percentage of the full fee] based on last year’s poverty guidelines. How can I get an updated version of that sliding fee scale based on this year’s guidelines?

The only way to get an update of a sliding fee scale is to contact the organization or office that prepared it. While ASPE calculates the poverty guidelines each year, ASPE does not calculate or prepare any sliding fee scales even though such scales may indicate the HHS poverty guidelines as the source.

What programs use the poverty guidelines?

The HHS poverty guidelines, or percentage multiples of them (such as 125 percent, 150 percent, or 185 percent), are used as an eligibility criterion by a number of federal programs, including those listed below. For examples of major means-tested programs that do not use the poverty guidelines, see the end of this response.