Peer editing is a way for students to help each other with writing. Each time you’ve asked a friend to look over your paper, and vice-versa, you’ve participated in peer editing. Here are some questions to ask when looking at a thesis-driven essay, the most common type of college writing assignment.
No matter how good the paper is, your peer won’t get a good grade if it’s not the one assigned. Find out what the instructor expects from it. Ask for clarification of any points you may not understand.
Does the paper have a clear, arguable thesis? The thesis should go well beyond the obvious. It should make an argument that can be contested . It should also be located in the introductory paragraph.
A paper that contains too many ideas unrelated to the thesis lacks focus. Each paragraph in a paper should be built around one main idea and should support the thesis. The writer does not need to explain everything there is to know about the subject.
The introduction’s job is to tell the reader what to expect out of the paper. If you don’t know what to expect after reading the introduction, it’s not serving its purpose. Watch out for broad generalizations and dictionary definitions; both are overused in introductions. A good conclusion should tie the paper together without rehashing the main points or restating the introduction.
Passive voice allows a writer to create a sentence with a verb and an object but no subject. It can be confusing f or the reader. Active voice is more direct and preferable because it shows both the subject and what the subject’s acting on, the object.
Slang is not always appropriate for an academic paper. Other words can be too general, such as “bad” or “good.” Some words may not convey the degree of professionalism students need to show in their writing. At the same time, papers shouldn't be overloaded with big words that you have to look up. It's ok for the student to use their own vocabulary.