Sample Termination of Employment Letter (End of Contract)

A termination of employment letter officially informs an employee that their employment is ending. It provides key details like:

Step Details
Verify Accuracy Double-check employee details, termination reason, pay/benefits, and property list
Get Approvals Obtain approval from HR, legal, the employee's manager, and stakeholders
Delivery Method Decide how to professionally deliver the letter (in person, mail, or email if allowed)
Document & Record Keep records of the letter, supporting documents, and communication

By following these steps, the termination of employment letter serves as a clear and compliant record for both the employer and employee.

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Get the Details Right

Before drafting the termination of employment letter, gather all the necessary information to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Review the Employment Contract

Go through the employment contract and look for specific terms, conditions, and clauses related to termination. This includes:

Determine the Reason for Termination

Clearly identify the cause for termination, such as:

Be specific and accurate when stating the reason to prevent disputes or misunderstandings.

Establish the Last Working Day

Confirm the employee's final day of work. This date is crucial for calculating:

Collect Final Pay and Benefits Information

Gather details on:

Item Details
Final Paycheck Amount, pay period, deductions
Unpaid Leave Vacation, sick days, etc.
Severance If applicable, based on company policy
Other Benefits Health insurance, retirement plans, etc.

List Company Property to Return

Make a list of all company property the employee needs to return, such as:

Having all the necessary information upfront will help you create a comprehensive and accurate termination of employment letter that protects the interests of both the employer and employee.

Letter Structure and Format

Use a formal business letter format with clear headings and greetings. Break the letter into sections for easy reading.

Purpose and Termination Date

State the purpose (ending employment) and the effective date. This sets the tone and ensures the employee understands the letter's intent.

Termination Reason

Explain the reason for termination clearly and objectively. For contract endings, reference the specific contract terms and expiration date. For other reasons, outline the circumstances and any prior disciplinary actions factually to avoid disputes.

Final Pay and Benefits

Explain how the final paycheck will be handled:

Detail Information
Payment Date When the final pay will be issued
Payment Method How the final pay will be provided (e.g., direct deposit, check)
Unused Leave Any remaining vacation, sick days, etc. to be paid out
Severance If applicable, based on company policy
Benefits Information on continuing health insurance (COBRA, if eligible)

Ensure the employee understands their entitlements and any necessary next steps.

Return of Company Property

List any company property that needs to be returned:

Specify the deadline and procedure for returning these items to prevent disputes.

Closing Remarks

Provide contact information for any questions or concerns. Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout to encourage a smooth transition.


Additional Steps

Check for Accuracy and Compliance

Review the termination letter carefully to ensure all details are correct and comply with relevant laws and company policies. Verify:

Get Necessary Approvals

Obtain approval from the required parties before finalizing the letter:

Choose Delivery Method

Decide how to deliver the letter professionally and respectfully:

Delivery Method When to Use
In Person Employee is on-site
Certified Mail Employee is off-site or remote
Email Allowed by company policy

Consider the employee's location and the reason for termination.

Document and Record

Keep detailed records of all termination-related documents and communications:

Store these records securely and confidentially, accessible only to authorized personnel.

Following these steps ensures the termination of employment letter is accurate, compliant, and properly handled. This helps minimize potential disputes and maintain a positive relationship with the employee.


Ending a Contract Employee's Job

A termination letter formally ends a contract employee's job. It states:

Key Points