Create a Georgia Last Will and Testament with our customizable template!
In Georgia, a Last Will and Testament is a legal means of transferring someone's assets to their beneficiaries once they pass away. These people (known as Testators) use a Last Will as a means of protecting their assets from those they do not want taking hold of their belongings and assets after they pass away, and ensuring that the people that they desire inherit their assets and belongings. In a Last Will, Testators often leave their assets to their children, parents, and siblings. However, it is not uncommon for Testators to leave assets to charities and other non-profit companies. In Georgia, this document must be signed by two witnesses. Once the document is created and properly executed, it should be stored somewhere secure so that it is both protected and easily found when it is needed. Common places to store the document include the Testator’s lawyer and with a trusted family member.