Checklist for Independent Contractor Agreements in Florida

Checklist for Independent Contractor Agreements in Florida

There are a lot of advantages to working with an independent contractor, but going forward without a well-written Florida independent contractor agreement could end up costing your Florida business more in the long run than if it had hired traditional employees in the first place. Although working with a business attorney is the best way to ensure that your independent contractor agreements are all in compliance with state and federal standards, here are some provisions that it just won’t be complete without

Essential Independent Contractor Agreement Terms

A word of warning – don’t try and use one standardized Florida independent contractor agreement. It’s worth the effort to draft one for each individual arrangement. All independent contractor agreements should be customized for the job, but there are some general terms that should just about always be included, such as:

Establish Independent Contractor Status

In addition to codifying contractual terms, your Florida independent contractor agreement is also instrumental in protecting your business from accusations that your employees have been misclassified as independent contractors. This can be done by establishing in the agreement that the independent contractor:

Include Standard Contract Provisions

Your Florida independent contractor agreement should also cover some areas found in most other standard contracts, including:

Does your Florida independent contractor agreement have all these terms? For more on protecting yourself against liability when engaging with independent contractors, schedule a consultation with our business attorney today by calling (727) 279-5037 or visit our service page.